Monday, September 29, 2008

October Surgery 2008

The next surgery will be held this Saturday (4th October) in the usual place.
Christ the King Church
Dove Close
Princes Park.
I will be there between 10-11am to deal with any local issues, no appointment is necessary.
posted by matt bright.

Latest Planning Application

This is the latest planning application being considered in Princes Park by Medway Council.
posted by matt bright.

Success at Last

At last, we have had some alleygates installed between Coverdale Close and Freshwater Road.
There have been problems in the alleyway for several months and despite the good work the local Community Safety Officer and the Police do it was obvious the alley was a problem area.
After several months of hard work with the Council Officers we managed to obtain a closure notice from the local courts and the gates were installed within days.
Gates have been installed at either end of the alley with keys left with just the two neighbouring properties.
This is a good example of local issues getting dealt with, the residents spoke and we (Pat and I) listened, responded and have hopefully resolved the issue.
Top photo - me and Pat
Middle photo - Brian Mooney (Local Safer Communities Officer), me, Roger Emmerson (Council Officer)
Bottom photo - gate just before it will be locked shut!
posted by matt bright.

September Surgery

Thanks to the residents that attended the surgery a couple of weeks ago.
Your queries are being dealt with and if you have not had the answers you require then they will be with you very shortly.
posted by matt bright.