Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yet Another Litter Bin

I know it does look boring, but this is another step towards a cleaner Princes Park. This is just one of the two litter bins that have been put at the top of Wren Way. It has become a bit of a black spot for litter. Matt has been chasing up the street cleaning team to do there more often. But at the end of the day it is the people who drop the litter who are the problem. Now there are two bins they have no excuse.

Litter is unsightly and costs us all money to have it cleared up. I know I have been harping on about this for years, but Princes Park is a nice place to live and there are really nice people living here. It is spoilt by just a few very selfish people.

Years ago Princes Park had a bad reputation but the residents have turned it around. Not the Council, Police or any other organisation just the residents. They wanted to live in a nice area and they have made it so. All we need to do now is stop, just the few, who ruin it for the rest of us.
Posted by ranting Pat of Princes Park

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