Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring At Last In Princes Park

I said before that I had planned to show a picture of spring but was put off by all the litter, well I changed my mind! The weather has been so bad lately I thought we needed a reminder that summer is just around the corner.
As Matt said in a previous article work in the ward is still going on as usual. The Police, PCSO's and Community Safety team are out there looking after us. You may not see them but they are working hard to keep us safe. Remember, if you want to talk to a PC come along to the Church (by Morrisons) on the first Saturday of every month, there you will find the Police and either Matt or myself. On the last surgery we had one visitor who wished to speak to the Police. However, this visit by them was not a waste of time as the resident had a serious concern which the police are now dealing with.
The Church also run a coffee morning Saturdays so while you are waiting, if you need to, they will make you very welcome.

posted by Pat

1 comment:

John M Ward said...

One of the (many!) reasons I so enjoy walking around Princes Park is that it still has a brightness and freshness in sunny weather in particular.

Ever since I first moved to Medway a little over eleven years ago I have taken great delight in wandering around the three areas of Walderslade, Princes Park and Wayfield; and although the last of these still has some issues, and the ward of Walderslade includes Weeds Wood (which I wasn't including in my "favourite walks" just now!), they all have a good "feel" about them.

When thew weather is bad, I occasionally look at my own photos taken in these areas (mainly in Princes Park, as it turns out) or look down from the air courtesy of Google Earth or LocalLive.

Now that we have sunshine -- after all that wind and (moderate) rainfall -- let's celebrate this year's foliage. I look forward to seeing wonderful photos of Princes Park in 2008, right here on this delightful and informative website, adding an extra dimension to what you already cover.