Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Meet-on-the - Street

I was sorry to say not many people came out to see us last evening. The police MHS and myself went out to meet the residents. The one good thing as you can see from the photos the youngsters came out and had a lot of fun talking to Dave Saunders our neighbourhood policeman. They were shown around the police van and asked to be locked up in the back where all the prisoners go. The children learnt in a lovely way that the police are only human and the children can always talk to them. I can see Dave now as he walks around Princes Park getting children yelling out greetings to him. I think their parents were a little wary to start with but soon realised the children were safe and having a lot of fun.
posted by Pat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat and Matt

I just wanted to say that I think you are both doing a great job for Princes Park.

I know how disappointing it must be when you organise things (like the 'meet and greet the police' and the litter picks) and no-one turns up, but please don't let this dishearten you.

I always think it is funny how many people say "something must be done" yet when they are given an opportunity to make a difference to their local community they are nowhere to be seen. Perhaps what people really mean is "something MUST be done, but don't expect me to do it" !!!

You and Matt are, without doubt, two of the hardest working and most effective ward counillors in Medway, and the people of PP are lucky to have you.

best wishes
