Friday, February 23, 2007


While I have been talking to people all over Princes Park the same topic has been raised,

I have spent many hours trying to work out a solution. Really it is nearly impossible because it means re-educating a number of people of all ages. The council cannot feasible spend all their time just cleaning the paths and highways. So there has got to be another way.

On Monday I when I came home from work, I picked up my ‘blue box’ from the road side. Some one had put a coke bottle in it. My first thought was how dare they. Then I thought again. It is better they did that than throw it into the gutter. So I took it back to the house and added it to the bottles I have to recycle.

This started me thinking. (Dangerous occupation). When I was young all households kept the path and the road outside their house tidy. Of course some still do. But it is no longer the normal thing we all do. So I think that could be a starting point. If we all just picked the litter up outside our own house it would be a start. We can all say ‘but my neighbours don’t’. Well let them, after a while it could catch on! There is nothing like keeping up with the Jones' to change peoples attitude. Neighbours could start talking to each other and working out where other areas could be cleaned up. I know this sounds very simplistic but have to start somewhere. Things cannot stay as they are or we will end living in a rat infested ghetto.
Posted by Pat

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