Sunday, March 04, 2007

Save Capstone Valley

Saving Captone Valley will help preserve the lifestyle for residents of Princes Park !

If the houses are built it will directly affect residents locally, leading to increased traffic, noise and pollution in and around Princes Park. You will also lose a fantastic piece of greenbelt land right on your doorstep. Just imagine 9,000 more houses adding pressure onto your local schools and local services.

Myself (Matt Bright) and Pat Gulvin are helping to lead the fight to save Capstone Valley along with Lordswood and Walderslade Councillors and candidates against the Medway Magna proposals to build over 9,000 houses in the area.

Some of the land in the valley is owned by Medway Council, and the Conservative Group on Medway Council are pledged not to sell any council land in the valley for housing.
But, we can only continue this fight on your behalf if we are elected in the local elections on May 3rd.
The Labour Government are trying to steam roll through their house building project in the South East, but surely it would be more appropriate to build on brown field sites or regenerate in areas that desperately need it.
If you would like to assist by raising a petition against this proposal then kindly ring either Alan Jarrett on 01634 684640 or David Wildey on 01634 863416 and ask for a petition form. They are both Conservative Councillors for Lordswood and Capstone.
Alternatively, you could write to Chatham & Aylesford Conservatives, 200 Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Kent ME7 5XG.
posted by matt bright.