Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Un-Fair Funding Deal

The Council is having to campaign for a Fair Funding Deal for residents as the Labour Government are giving Medway less funding compared to other Councils per head of the population.
There are fears that in future years the settlement will be even worse then it is currently.

The funding settlement by the Labour Government had a reduction of £4.5 million before the financial year begun (compared with previous years) with further news in the near future set to look even worse.
Compared to other Councils Medway residents get a poor deal.
All figures below are per resident per year.
Walsall Council - £465-00
Peterborough City Council - £405-00
Medway Council - £284-00
If Medway received the same deal as Nottingham do then they would have an extra £60 million to spend with a portion of that coming to Princes Park.
The whole funding issue has left Medway Council with a financial crisis that could have been critical. However, without affecting front line services it is predicted that £2.8 million can be saved by the introduction of a moratorium on discretionary spending, a recruitment freeze and other measures.
Despite all this, Medway Council has been judged by the Government as officially giving 'good value for money'.
It also boasts as having the lowest Council Tax in Kent (£152 lower then neighbouring Kent authorities) and the 13th (band D) lowest in the country!
posted by matt bright.

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