Make our roads safer – make walking to school your New Year resolution
In an effort to reduce the number of people parking illegally outside schools, Medway Council’s Road Safety Team suggests a healthy New Year’s resolution for children and parents alike – get walking.
Schools are consistently battling with illegally parked cars on restrictive road markings, such as on yellow single, double and zigzag lines. These lines are designed to allow pedestrians, in particular vulnerable pedestrians such as children, to see clearly and cross the road safely.
The Road Safety Team is asking parents and children to get walking to school, even if it's just for part of the journey. Other than the obvious health benefits, if more schoolchildren walked to school there would be fewer cars parked illegally and dangerously.
Su Negus, Principal Road Safety Officer, said: “Children are a similar height to a car meaning they are completely invisible to drivers until they step out into the road, which is too late.
“Most people who park on the lines think its OK because they are just there for a few minutes. However, when you have dozens of people doing the same thing it means the area is constantly congested with illegally parked cars.”
Medway Council’s Road Safety Team and Parking Services are urging drivers to leave their cars at home or park in an appropriate safe location to make crossing the road safer for all road users, particularly schoolchildren.
In an effort to reduce the number of people parking illegally outside schools, Medway Council’s Road Safety Team suggests a healthy New Year’s resolution for children and parents alike – get walking.
Schools are consistently battling with illegally parked cars on restrictive road markings, such as on yellow single, double and zigzag lines. These lines are designed to allow pedestrians, in particular vulnerable pedestrians such as children, to see clearly and cross the road safely.
The Road Safety Team is asking parents and children to get walking to school, even if it's just for part of the journey. Other than the obvious health benefits, if more schoolchildren walked to school there would be fewer cars parked illegally and dangerously.
Su Negus, Principal Road Safety Officer, said: “Children are a similar height to a car meaning they are completely invisible to drivers until they step out into the road, which is too late.
“Most people who park on the lines think its OK because they are just there for a few minutes. However, when you have dozens of people doing the same thing it means the area is constantly congested with illegally parked cars.”
Medway Council’s Road Safety Team and Parking Services are urging drivers to leave their cars at home or park in an appropriate safe location to make crossing the road safer for all road users, particularly schoolchildren.
posted by pat
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