It seems to have been a very busy week. But I thought I should try again to catch up with the blog.
The major thing this week is Tracey
Crouch's maiden speech in the House of Commons. if you log on to her site you can find out all about it. It is really good that she made the House realise that not everyone in the South East is rich. She spoke about the deprivation in some areas of
Chatham. These do need to be looked into and I know Tracey is eager to see that those ares are not forgotten.
Matt and I went to a meeting with business people, police, neighbourhood watch and the local church. We were
descussing the needs of the area. We used to have a very good PACT in Princes Park but it ended up folding last year. So the new neighbourhood police team ( Mat and Sue) got a few people together to see if it can be reformed. As well as Mat and Sue we were pleased to meet the new Inspector in charge of neighbourhood
policeing. His name is
Insp. Cherry. Some of the older residents of Princes Park may remember him. He used to be our local neighbourhood policeman about 20 years ago.
On Friday I spent most of the day in
Maidstone. I went to County Hall with a council colleague
Cllr Avey. We are both on the Health and Adult Services
Commitee. K.C.C. were having a Health meeting. The first part of it was about Mental Health. Kent and
Medway work together on this so
Cllr Avey and I agreed that it was important to find out as much as we could. That way when we have a meeting in
Medway with the
NHS we already know what response they received in Kent.
Sunday ( yes today) was the dedication services at the Cathedral. It was lovely to see so many Mayors from over areas coming to Rochester for the occasion. It was nice the sun came out as we have a
procession through Rochester from the Guildhall to the Cathedral. I think the tourist found it very interesting. Some of the Mayors I had meet last week. I was very lucky to be asked by our Deputy Mayor
Cllr Hewitt to be his escort for the day last Saturday. The Deputy Mayoress was unable to accompany him that day.So we went to
Tunbridge Wells to be their guest at the cricket. I was spoilt as I love cricket. It was nice meeting leaders of councils from different parts of Kent. It was interesting to see and hear different points of view about problems around the Kent.
posted by Pat